+30 Students who "cheat" by giving others test answers shouldn't be punished as harshly as those receiving the answers, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Found the future supply-side economist.

by Fit-Kaleidoscope8329 1 week ago

"I just don't see a reason why the people selling drugs should be as punished as the drug addicts maybe confiscate their drugs they have on them and fine them but they shouldn't be sent to jail come on"

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean when I was applying for my first it support job I was encouraged to cheat. In real life you can just google stuf. All these tests do is show you have. good memory. You should be judged on what you do with the information you find. Not how well you rember what's in a book

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The other way around.

by Agitated_Painter 1 week ago

All right, bribery. It's like saying the person who gave the bribe is not as guilty as the person who received it. Bribery is illegal, regardless of who gave or received the bribe.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is a better analogy

by New_Jello718 1 week ago

In murder there is a victim, whereas in cheating there isn't really a victim, as the effect, although bad, is diffused across the entire system of education and employment. Someone who helps a close personal friend despite impercetably damaging the massive faceless system is not as bad as someone who aids in the murder of a human being.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Were you caught doing that?

by Simple_Post_1467 1 week ago

7 years ago 😞

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you give others test answers, you are being an accessory to cheating which is just as wrong as cheating. You are enabling a bad behavior.

by Due_Flower_4909 1 week ago

It takes two to cheat.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I dont think either one should be punished, its being resourceful, something that all jobs benefit from

by Dibbertalysson 1 week ago

"Dealers shouldn't be punished just the consumer." That's not an unpopular opinion, that's just stupid.

by Harrisbettie 1 week ago

Why though?

by buckridgemargie 1 week ago

wdym why it's not the job of a school to punish people based on the morality of a situation. Why would someone who didn't cheat be punished for cheating.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They're not being punished for cheating. They're being punished for aiding someone else to cheat. The getaway driver in a bank robbery is also taken to prison.

by buckridgemargie 1 week ago

If I wasn't giving answers, the other guy would find someone else to give them to. But what if I'm only giving the answers because of the person I give them to.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's a pretty scary line of logic.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One could say unpopular

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One could say illogical.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

I got in trouble in high school for a weaker version of this. There were different versions (A and B) of a test with different questions, handed out alternating. The person in front of me got version A, wrote his answers into a calculator, and wanted to pass them to the person behind me who also had version A, so he handed the calculator to me and I handed it back to them. As far as I was concerned, the answers did not benefit me in any way since my test questions were different, and I was not giving anyone my answers or verifying the information shared was correct, so I shouldn't have been punished. The school didn't agree and I was still punished for cheating just as much as the other two.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Cheating is cheating and it's wrong for everyone to do.

by lourdes03 1 week ago

Is cheating, cheating wrong?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I fail the person who let others cheat and let the others keep the grade.

by Vivid-Olive 1 week ago

What why? The ones giving out the cheats should be more severely punished

by Anonymous 1 week ago