+31 The older you get, the more you realize how manipulated popular opinion is. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, now that the entire US population is female at conception you'd think some of these morons would want to reverse course - but nooooooo, we need to keep our policy because liberals cry (or something, idk...I'm tired).

by Ok-Potential 1 week ago

I mean, I'm liberal, and I cried yesterday, but that's because I stubbed my pinky toe really hard on the edge of my desk.

by rebert 1 week ago

Only communists stub their toes!

by Ok-Potential 1 week ago

I disagree. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people don't care about you at all. But we all view the world through the lens of our beliefs and experiences. Folk tend to find just what they seek.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Trans people aren't real. They are not special. They do not exist. Terry crews in a dress with his massive dong, is not a woman. Simply because they feel like they are. Its pure fantasy. An ideology injected into a captured society, to boil frogs and normalise behaviours, of all those people that set up sex clinics and sex offenders that run off to israel. Its also very effective at continued social distraction from the bankers and government. While they strip the country bare. Your experiences are not valid. You are nothing more than an overly sensitive child, following trends. Pushed by jews.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exhibit A.

by rebert 1 week ago

You're literally just explaining human nature. We haven't "evolved" out of taking the path of least resistance. In this case, it's much easier to vilify or dehumanize people you disagree with instead of working towards common ground. It's one of our worst traits as a species but also probably allowed us to survive as long as we have.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think all the people I disagree with are evil. I think a small number are, many lack the critical thinking skills to parse the propaganda coming from those people, and most people are smart enough to know something is wrong but don't have the resources and information to make correct decisions. Its the age old system of the hardcore, the diehards, the grifters, and the useful idiots

by donnellyjoseph 1 week ago

I agree from secular position, that's why I'm an anarchist and a communist

by donnellyjoseph 1 week ago

Not unlike being antigravity.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We live at a time where people are being herded into echo chambers and constantly manipulated by social media algorithms. The more information people consume from social media the less informed they are, and the less rational they are.

by Leading_Ruin_5116 1 week ago

Not herded. They seek them out. Where never is a heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is the popular opinion being manipulated an unpopular opinion? 🤔

by Patient_Radish_8630 1 week ago

The notion that a popular opinion being manipulated is an unpopular opinion is a popular opinion. Great idk what each word means now

by Gloverquentin 1 week ago

Yeah, because we all have popular opinions we say "yeah, that's a good one and I produced it on my own" but the deeper we think about it the more we realize it is not even our opinion at all. But we are also afraid of the realization so we just don't do it and pretend we already did.

by Free-Minute 1 week ago

If our education system wasn't such a joke and people in the media and government were more dedicated to having an informed and open minded population instead of a misinformed and biased one, discussion would be better. It's shameful that I had to go to a YouTube video to learn about different types of propaganda instead of just the obvious ones and realized after watching it multiple propaganda types have been constantly used and I've fallen for some of it ever since Obama was in office.

by Audrey66 1 week ago

OMG yes. People think the media is bad, but so much misinformation comes from our friends. The last thing you want is medical advice from someone who says I have a friend, who's a doctor that said.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I feel ive have seen the game being played enough to know how it's played and recognize the strategies being employed. Still can't wrap my head around the why sometimes but I'm still learning.

by Garretdietrich 1 week ago

I think we all just have different morals. What I'm surprised most by getting older is how much people lie.

by dudley19 1 week ago

If someonen harms me, what difference does it make if they're evil or just stupid? The more we reduce people to villains, the less we actually fix anything, and the same problems just keep coming back. Seems to me we have the opposite problem. Nothing gets done because of all this hand wringing.

by Low_Presentation4593 1 week ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just common sense and you aren't saying anything profound we haven't heard before

by Anonymous 1 week ago