+44 If homeless people have to be/sleep on the train, they should stay in the same car. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Or, we could provide better services to help them. 💀

by Laurynmonahan 1 week ago

It's amazing how ppl don't see homeless as a failure of the state/gov

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Are you going to restrict a heroin addicts freedom and force them to get sober? You can't help someone that doesn't want help.

by ExistingBelt 1 week ago

Yeah. Also, most homeless shelters are outright more hostile and dangerous than "the strests". They don't let you stay during the day and kick you out like at 8am to fend for your self, they do not give a crap if you are sick or disabled and if you for some reason miss your next arrival they kick you out permanentny.

by Melyssabreitenb 1 week ago

People should get some form of payment for helping the homeless. Make it so it's a problem people take care of

by Alicedicki 1 week ago

oh i can't imagine what you go through… is homelessness one of those things?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

what do you prefer more, stale urine, sour body odor, random blurted obscenities, occasional drugged out violence, mental episodes?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

all of the above

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just pretend to be homeless, carry a bunch of stuff with you and take up a bunch of space. If anyone complains just communicate with to them using macaw noises.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

what do you prefer more, stale urine, sour body odor, random blurted obscenities, occasional drugged out violence, mental episodes? Sour body odor is my jam.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You telling me stale urine and sour body odor isn't THE best thing to experience before work? C'mon people, tell him what he's missing out on that ya'll love so much.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe we can help house the homeless first, and then you can sit in your train car stinking up the place all by yourself 😊

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Issue is a lot won't want to be housed or willing to because of strict rules and regulations if we legalized drugs and let ppl live at a place as they work homelessness like this will plum it. Switzerland did this back in 2000 when people were injecting heroin into their necks at one point. You'll still have a mental illness but that's because either it may be unethical for an asylum to work as it should. There's nuance to be had.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Your opinion is far too popular.

by HotMongoose 1 week ago

They aren't supposed to live on trains. It's not planned.

by lueilwitzhermin 1 week ago

you really shamelessly wave your privilege around don't you? you need to get some perspective. hopefully the reaction here might be a wake up call

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are no better than they are.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exactly. How DARE he.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Poor you. Buy a mask

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Bros solution is bad but don't be condescending because he dosent want to endure this is society's fault

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sure sure the homeless love to follow rules.

by Anonymous 1 week ago