+42 Eating alone at a restaurant is one of the best experiences, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I really like it but sometimes I feel like Shrek in that one scene at the beginning of the movie.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But he is happy in the beginning of the movie, isn't he?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You just summed up my entire life

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Still sounds good for me.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Haha, I get you Shrek vibes are strong when you're dining solo, but honestly, you're just living your best life.

by Ok_Drop1867 1 week ago

Agree 100%, I actually do think it's weird to eat at a restaurant alone, like you said there's so many better things to do alone. Use the time to cook yourself a nice meal or something.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Do you never travel by yourself? Also some people go to restaurants for the food more than the scene, there's something so delightful to get to just revel in the flavors and have someone serving you and not have to pay attention to anything else.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah fair points I didn't think of travelling. And as I type this I realised I do eat at a pizza restaurant by myself on my lunch break at least once a month. I was thinking of going to a fine dining restaurant at night when I replied. But the more I think there is actually a few situations when eating at a restaurant alone is completely normal, my bad.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

personally I only solo travel for things like work conferences where I end up finding a group to go out to dinner with when I'm there. If I'm in an airport or something I'll get food by myself, but never really on a trip or at home

by amylind 1 week ago

I love doing this sometimes! It's been super helpful with my mental health too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I go to the bar order 1-2 beers and bring a book to read then order You can read/drink while you wait for the food.. then just eat/drink at the bar

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I love to go to outdoor bars duing the day and eat some food with a drink, especially if there's music. There's so many people scared to go alone but it's exactly how I met my husband lol. I know so many cool locals from going out on my own too, I feel like a regular towny now.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I do that very often, especially when running errands in the morning. Sometimes it gets around lunch time and I'm already tired and don't feel like going home and start cooking. Sometimes I kind of have the feeling that the server (or even some other customers) are feeling bad for me, but there's truly no need haha I have a partner and friends, and I go to restaurants with them quite often too, it's just that sometimes for convenience I choose to go alone. I don't feel any type of awkwardness or embarrassment either, it's actually find it pretty peaceful.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The bartender aspect is underrated. They are hospitality pros. They make you feel comfortable with the right amount of conversation and interaction.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Came to say the same thing, but about airport bars.

by Micheal41 1 week ago

born alone, eat at restaurant alone, die alone -nas

by Rubykoepp 1 week ago

I did it the other day. I had to get a visa sorted which could take 1 hour, could take 8, it's pure luck, so my return train wasn't for absolutely ages so when I was out in less than two hours I walked across London for two hours to go for lunch at Mildred's King Cross (cannot recommend highly enough) and had an amazing meal and read my book for two hours before getting to my train nice and early.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I love going out on my own . I want to take my sketchbook to a restaurant sometime

by Fit-Click-2276 1 week ago

Thr best part is you don't have to hear about someone else's day. Unless of course the wait staff get a little too chatty...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

oh no, not connecting with my friends and loved ones!!

by amylind 1 week ago

Sometimes you just want to eat the good food the way it was meant to eat, hot and fresh. I ate at restaurants alone a lot for about 3-4 years. It offered a few things Don't have to worry about discussing where to eat. You know where you want to go Order whatever you want instead of being suggested what to eat because your companion is interested in tasting. Easy seating at the bar quickly

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Depending on my mood , some days I wanna be left alone and other times I would enjoy having someone join me…

by WholeTemporary 1 week ago

I love doing everything alone. It's freeing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I used to walk alone down to our very nice local Chinese restaurant once a week when I was in college. It was the best. I love eating alone

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As someone with no friends or family who lives where I live, I dreaded going out alone. I slowly started going to bars to decompress after work - I don't like have liquor in the house - and eventually started going out to eat alone. It's been an amazing experience.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I used to go ride just for a slice of pie in Julian. Or go up to Idlewild for dinner at that cafe. Back before moving, could hit the mountains/back roads in minutes and take of wherever. So relaxing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One of my favorite things is taking myself on a date. I've done it since I was in my early 20sz and still go now at 37. It's just so relaxing. I love to go during slightly off peak hours so I can really take my time.

by LeagueDiligent 1 week ago

I would love to do this, but many restaurants have an unwritten no single patrons rule. I'm guessing because one person doesn't bring in big tips. I've been ignored many, many times, standing there like an idiot. They'll look at me, then look away. Then they'll jump up immediately to seat a party of 3 who came in after me.

by False_Gene 1 week ago

Do you like sushi? I've never found a sushi bar that wasn't friendly to a solo diner. It's my go-to when I'm in this position. (Usually better food and healthier than a standard sportsbar type place.)

by PiccoloNo6110 1 week ago

my wife eats so slow, i go at my own pace anyways

by Ok-Tangelo664 1 week ago

I absolutely love doing that! Not a care in the world! Can eat peacefully or could meet a great person to chat with! I highly recommend everyone does this at least once a month, just for mental health!

by bgusikowski 1 week ago

Going alone to a sushi restaurant to go on an peaceful, clean, and adventurous dinning experience is one of my core love experiences.

by AdMajor 1 week ago

I love it

by Anonymous 1 week ago

100% agree

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's pretty much me 90% of the time and I love it. You don't need company to enjoy food.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can't believe this is unpopular.

by Bartconroy 1 week ago

It's has its upsides, but I usually get forgotten by the server.

by juliannemertz 1 week ago

When I'm on a solo business trip, I love to find a sushi bar. Solo diners usually get to talk directly to the guy making your sushi. I often just tell the chef I want a sushi dinner for one, i like any nigiri, sashimi, or rolls, chef's choice. They inevitably serve up something really good and often off-menu.

by PiccoloNo6110 1 week ago

Dog, that's when you leave.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You didn't include any information about what the shirt was. Also, that's your opportunity to make their night awkward. Even better you're there by yourself so you won't be embarrassed in front of anyone you brought with you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree. I even close my eyes while eating, just savouring the food.

by Elody45 1 week ago

I am quite the loner, so I do a ton of things alone. Go out to eat, see a movie, go to a theme park or arcade, etc. It honestly feels so freeing sometimes because I can just go and do the things I want to do. There's no discussion over where to eat or what activities to do. I'm not in a hurry or waiting. I can change plans on a total whim. I'm just having a grand time and enjoying myself. That's not to say I don't enjoy doing these things with other people. I just also like to do them by myself from time to time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I do this all the time at fast food places. It's genuinely so nice cause I get to just put on something to watch on my phone while I eat and I can enjoy myself, while also not having to worry about holding conversations with others.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

sounds pointless. If I am eating alone, I rather be home watching something while enjoying the meal.

by Langworthadrian 1 week ago

I also love to go eat alone sometimes and I take a book and just zone out. Depends I think on the intimacy or star level of a restaurant, I stay towards casual dining when I dine alone. When I travel for work, I always have stuff door dashed.

by Johnstonmara 1 week ago

I'm from Italy and our culture here regards eating alone, no matter where you are, as something totally unacceptable. Eating together is deeply rooted in our lifestyle but i just wish it weren't. I had to give up on so many restaurants i wanted to try because my friends wouldn't go with me and I was too embarrassed to book a table for just one person.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Where will you look while eating?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, it's kinda crazy, bc even though it might be loud in the restaurant, I manage to absolutely feel at peace and tune out the noise.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No deep conversations just me and food. I love it.

by Oshanahan 1 week ago

Depends on the restaurant. I used to do this while bringing a Murakami novel like ‘Kafka on the Shore' and it was absolutely baller. I feel like as long as you match the vibe of the place, and more than if you were to have brought a person(s), it's the right call

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And I don't feel bad staying on my phone

by spencerfrances 1 week ago

The trick is learning that this experience extends to all manner of activities other than just dinning. Movies? Concerts? Hikes in nature? Life CAN be good sharing it with other folks but it's ALWAYS a good time if you're ok doing it alone.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I only occasionally go and have a meal somewhere. I live alone,so I just go and eat. Its no big deal and I enjoy it.

by Holiday_Moose 1 week ago

I took myself out for the first time to a Denny's when I was 28. It was honestly such an awesome experience. Ever since, I've tried to do it a few more times. I'd definitely do it more but I have a family and I'd rather take them with me and share that with them. I highly recommend taking yourself out every now and again though. And to a nice restaurant. It'll change something small within you. No joke.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lmao I enjoy it because I'm a fast eater and I hate always being the only one finished with my food while everyone else has only taken two bites out of theirs 😆

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I actually agree and had many meals by myself in restaurants and in some cases if I feel talkative I go sit at the bar

by Anonymous 1 week ago

damn you, now I have to try it out.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Last time I was making decent money, I had a favorite ramen place I'd go to more often than not after work for dinner. Eating alone meant I could round up to an aesthetically pleasing number similar to what I'd pay at a more expensive restaurant and tip like 30%. Might not have helped my social life, but the food was always awesome, and it made me feel really good to have the staff always be so happy to see me and just already have my wong lo kat at my favorite table before I could get there

by Technical-Lecture 1 week ago

Someone is always waiting for you to finish and it's usually your server and bus boy haha

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I wish this was more normalised actually. I used to do this a lot more before I got married. I didn't want to let not having people to go with make me miss out on having good food. So I spoiled myself often, and took myself to the movies ect. I say it's self-love.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't know if I'd say it's the best experience, sharing a meal with a friend is better, but I don't think there's anything weird about grabbing a meal alone.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I quite like it too, but I see it as a different experience rather than better or worse.

by Next_Expression 1 week ago

Yes, love it. Order anything you want without any fuss about sharing, dietary restrictions, etc.

by janiya31 1 week ago

I eat alone every lunch and it is a choice: no pressure, calm, time to recharge social batteries for the afternoon 😌

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My social anxiety prevents me from doing this. I wish I could experience that freedom. I tried once and it was an absolute disaster. Lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't disagree but eating at home has those perks too.

by Gideon65 1 week ago

I hate eating alone so much, I refuse to dine in a restaurant by myself.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, because they keep the temperature too low, and it gets chilly. Otherwise yeah.

by Jazzlike-Director 1 week ago

I'd rather just be at home then

by Historical_Web 1 week ago

At the counter in a diner, yes. Other than that, no thanks.

by april21 1 week ago

I finished the Sommeliers course at the Gordon Ramsay steakhouse in one sitting. I pinky promise you are the very last thing people are paying attention to lmao.

by Deep-Equivalent 1 week ago

Disagree, as a waiter, solo dinners are the easiest tables, and they're usually my best tippers🤷 sometimes it's nice to have a low maintenance table in the middle of a rush.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's fair. I sit at the bar so I don't take a full table to myself.

by Local-Economics8511 1 week ago

I've been a waiter, and on a slow business lunch shift (weekday) when you have basically half the restaurant (the time most single-person tables come), they usually tip quite well for almost no work. like 3 to 5 on 12 bucks.

by Anonymous 1 week ago